What we can do for SME’s
Sure Sell assists those SME’s who have may have a certain aversion, constant fear and dread of the traditional cold calling selling process.
The majority of businesses readily accept as well as recognise that an effective and beneficial selling sales process forms the lifeblood of a business’s future. Yet despite this, often still there can be a reluctance by SME’s to not only get to grips with but also actively engage within a traditional and proven sure way of selling.
SME’s in these modern times elect for ‘Networking’ as a preferred sales route possibly because it awards them with an environment of comfort and the preferential ease they seek. Yet this modern networking route in itself can prove to be too cost prohibitive once membership fees, food purchases, travel and time for attendance are all taken into account.
More so, upon realising that they have a mountain of business cards which at some point will require verbal communication to be made, which they then may still be reluctant to carry out due to the need of still cold calling.
To put things in simple terms ‘Sure Sell does Cold Calling’, as part of the sales process, we help SME’s by speaking with those people, companies, leads and contacts for which there might be a reluctance to otherwise do themselves.
We provide a cold calling service either by the hour, day or week from either information (data) which is provided to us, or through publically accessible details.
The service we provide is aimed to help open the doors for SME’s, help identify and get customer engagement in the products and services on offer, the act of the physically selling is reliant on the SME’s then being able to effectively ‘Seal the Deal’.